Brand #

Our main concern is to meet, as well as to exceed, our customers' expectations. Hence, the notion of a dialog-oriented Spuerkeess brand identity that stays elegant while helping users navigate, grow and feel supported. Spuerkeess’ design system is based on the “Communication Guidelines 2020" which defines the foundations and offers an evolving ecosystem aiming to be timeless and precise, while remaining approachable.

Pleasant, Open and Proud

Our unified design language is about using design coherence and precision to connect banking tools with people or, to put it simply, to promote "the pleasure of banking".

Vision #

Who we are

Spuerkeess is a strong brand based on a solid and trustworthy foundation:

  • A trusted partner: tradition and banking innovation since 1856.
  • A close partner: the largest branch network and self-banking areas in Luxembourg.
  • An obliging partner: 1,800 employees to meet your needs and support you in the realisation of your projects.
  • A strong partner: One of the best-rated banks in the world according to the international rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Moody's.
  • An experienced partner: our advisors offer you their know-how and experience in the international financial markets.

What we believe in

Throughout over 165 years of history, Spuerkeess has always had the ambition to meet and exceed the expectations of its customers.

Our mission

As a State Bank, Spuerkeess aims to:

  • contribute through its activities, in particular through its financing activities, to the economic and social development of the country in all fields
  • promote savings in all its forms
Feature Icon Box
Long Term Deposit Rating
Feature Icon Box
Standard & Poor's
Feature Icon Box
Safest Bank Award - Luxembourg
Rated among the safest banks in the world 2019, Global Finance Magazine

Master Version #

Variants #

Monochrome version

In the various applications of the logo, it could be necessary to use a monochromatic logo in case of applications expressly requiring a monochrome or problems arising from the overlapping of background colors.

Logo usage in small sizes #

Spuerkeess’ logo must look good and be recognisable in all sizes. It is designed to scale to small sizes so there is no need to use another variant of the logo.

Business lines #

Spuerkeess has four distinct business lines in addition to its online services. When communicating, through a distinct business line channel, it is important to use the correct logo so the audience can immediately identify the service in charge.

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Product lines #

Spuerkeess has three distinct product lines named Tweenz, Axxess and Dreamzz.

  • Tweenz is a banking package designed for kids “who can’t wait to grow” (0-12y).
  • Axxess is a product for young people, pupils, students and young workers.
  • Dreamzz is a fully rounded product which includes all the banking products and services.

When communicating to the target audience of one of the products, it is important to use the appropriate product logo.

In cases in which the Spuerkeess logo is used on the same asset, the axxess logotype can be used without the logotype.

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Locations #

These two logotypes refer to Spuerkeess locations and can only be added in relation to events that take place there.

Clearance and Placement #

Our logo comes with clear guidance on how to place it and how to preserve its integrity when combined with other content.


Clearspace around the logo is equal to the height of the Brand Square.

Clearspace on small canvases

On a small canvas the clearspace can be divided by half.

Clearspace Exceptions


App icon
Navigation Bars
Social Icons

Co-Branding #

Using co-branding logos next to the Spuerkeess’ logo must respect clear spacing rules. The space around the separating line and the overall component must have the same height as the Spuerkeess' logo bridge line.

The color of the line should always be in secondary-30.

When a co-branded logo has a width longer than the height, its height should be equal to the Spuerkeess’ logo bridge, while if the height is longer than the width the co-branded logo should have the same height as the Spuerkeess logo.

Landscape logo

For landscape co-branded logos the height should be equal to the length of the bridge line of the Spuerkeess logo

Example of a landscape partner logo

Portrait logo

For portrait co-branded logos the height should be equal to the height of the Spuerkeess logo

Example of a portrait partner logo

Do's and Dont's #

Do use the icon to increase the brand visibility on small applications
Don’t stretch the logo
Don’t type out Spuerkeess in any other font
Don’t use the gradient in the logo (exceptions are the mobile app icons or favicon)
Don’t change the colors
Don’t use the old vertical Spuerkeess logo
Don’t use the logo on lower contrast background
Don’t change proportions between logo and co-branded logo
Don’t change the icon into outline
Don’t change the icon into outline

Colours #

The primary and secondary colour palettes gather all the colours that represent the brand Spuerkeess on the web.

Spuerkeess Primary Brand palette #

hex #DE0000
rgb 222, 0, 0
cmyk 0, 100, 100, 0
pantone 032
vinyl oracal 751-032
hex #003060
rgb 0, 48, 96
cmyk 100, 72, 0, 38
pantone 281
vinyl oracal 751-049

Extended palette

The extended colour palette includes all the usable tints and shades for each colour in the primary palette as well as the utility colours. Each colour is numbered for easy reference, the numbers represent the degree of opacity where 0 is transparent and 100 is plain. Usage of these colour tints and shades is restricted to illustrations and utility components.


Gradients #

Our gradient follows a 45 degrees inclination, from bottom left to top right and mixes a primary colour with a specific and arbitrary derivative colour.

#bb0044 #DE0000
hexBase #DE0000
hexVariation #bb0044
RGB BASE 222, 0, 0
RGB Variation 187, 0, 68
#154093 #003060
hexBase #003060
hexVariation #154093
RGB BASE 0, 48, 96
RGB Variation 21, 64, 147
#20AF93 #22AA77
hexBase #22AA77
hexVariation #20AF93
RGB BASE 34, 170, 119
RGB Variation 32, 175, 147

Sub Brands #

Private Banking

The "Private Banking" sub brand comes with its own specific colour palette.

hex #AF9F8F
rgb 175, 159, 143
cmyk 25, 30, 40, 0
hex #5FAAAA
rgb 95, 170, 170
cmyk 55, 3, 23, 0
hex #3F3F3F
rgb 63, 63, 63
cmyk 70, 65, 60, 40
Private Banking - Extended palette

The "Axxess" sub brand comes with its own specific colour palette.

hex #59ad69
rgb 89, 173, 105
cmyk 65, 0, 70, 0
hex #F39918
rgb 243, 153, 24
cmyk 0, 40, 100, 0
hex #51BEEA
rgb 81, 190, 234
cmyk 63, 3, 0, 0

The "Axxess" sub brand also comes with its own specific gradient colours.

#22AA77 #59ad69
hex #59ad69
hexVariation #22AA77
rgb 89, 173, 105
cmyk 65, 0, 70, 0
#FF7700 #F39918
hex #F39918
hexVariation #FF7700
rgb 243, 153, 24
cmyk 0, 40, 100, 0
#589DD3 #51BEEA
hex #51BEEA
hexVariation #589DD3
rgb 81, 190, 234
cmyk 63, 3, 0, 0

The "Tweenz" sub brand comes with its own specific colour palette.

hex #E6237C
rgb 230, 35, 124
cmyk 0, 93, 13, 0
hex #66C0B6
rgb 102, 192, 182
cmyk 60, 0, 35, 0
hex #51BEEA
rgb 81, 190, 234
cmyk 63, 3, 0, 0

Dark Mode #

Spuerkeess will soon enable Dark Mode. This section will list the corresponding colours to switch to alternate between light mode and dark mode.

Coming Soon

Do's and Dont's #

Do use colors from the Spuerkeess palette
Do make sure there is sufficient contrasts
Don’t mix the Subbrands colors
Don’t deviate from a balanced proportion
Don’t use transparent text

Typography #

Typography is a key element to visually represent our personality, values, and style, creating a recognizable identity while enhancing readability and accessibility.

Headline & Subheadline #

Futura PT Bold

We chose Futura PT as our brand's primary font for Headline and Subheadline because of its clean, versatile, and modern design. It's highly legible and aligns with our brand's aesthetic, making it the perfect fit for creating a strong visual identity.

For Subheadline Futura PT Regular is allowed.

For Headline and Subheadline, when our main font is unavailable, we chose Jost as our fallback font. The reason lies behind its clean and modern design and the fact that Jost is similar to our main font, which ensures consistency across all our brand's communications.

Body text #

Maison Neue

We chose Maison Neue as our brand's primary font for body text because of its elegant and contemporary design, great legibility, and extensive range of weights and styles. It enables us to convey our messages effectively while maintaining a consistent and professional look across all products and deliverables.

Fallback font

Open Sans

We selected Open Sans as our fallback font for body text, when our main font is unavailable, due to its versatility, legibility, and extensive range of weights and styles. Its clean and modern design aligns with our brand's image, while its flexibility allows us to match the style and tone of the primary font. Using Open Sans ensures that we maintain a consistent and professional look in all our brand communications.

When it comes to font usage within the mobile application realm, System fonts must be used. The Brand Typographies can only be used in media embed within the app.On iOS the font is SF Pro Text, while on Android the font is Roboto.

Do's and Dont's #

Do respect the hierarchy of text sizes
Don’t use bold for body text
Don’t use “Maison Neue” for headlines

Iconography #

Our icon library is a fundamental part of our brand and helps us construct a cohesive visual identity.

Get icons

Brand Icons #

We incorporated brand icons to enhance visual interest and engagement of our brand's content. They strengthen our brand identity and add a unique visual element to our communications the red line, which is the leitmotif of our brand. Brand icons can simplify complex information and make it easier to digest and understand for the viewer.

The minimal size for brand icons is 40px.

Brand Icons for Features & Products

Brand icons for feature and product descriptions use the primary and secondary colors of Spuerkeess' palette.

Brand Icons for Features & Products are composed of two main colors, which can be found on the brand's palette.

Brand Icons for Private Banking

Brand icons for all Private Banking products and marketing supports use the primary and tertiary colors of the Private Banking’s palette.

Brand Icons for Private Banking are composed of two main colors, which can be found in the Private Banking's palette.

Interface Icons #

We have chosen to use our interface icon set as a font to ensure optimal legibility and consistency across all digital interfaces. The set consists of two types: default sized and large interface icons.

Large interface icons are designed to be thinner as they are used in bigger sizes, with a minimum of 32 pixels. This ensures that they do not appear overwhelming in larger formats while maintaining legibility.

Default interface icons are thicker, so they are more visible when used in smaller sizes, with a minimum of 16 pixels. They remain easily recognizable and legible when used in smaller formats.

Overall, using the interface icon set as a font improves usability and ensures consistency in digital interfaces.

Outline icons
Solid icons (coming soon)

Applications #

Usage of Interface Icons

Interface icons are a versatile tool that can be used for various UI components in digital products. They provide guidance, helping users quickly understand the functionality of different interface elements, such as buttons, tabs, dropdown menus, and form fields. Consistent use of interface icons improves user experience by reducing the need for text and making interfaces cleaner and streamlined.

Interface Icons can be used alone in rounded button containers. Default rounded buttons are 40x40px and use a 24x24px icon.
Interface Icons can also be used in association with text. In these examples the icon is 24x24px and the height of the button container is 40px.
Application preview showcasing the versatility of interface icons.

Usage of Brand icons

Do's And Dont's #

Brand Icons can be used in association with text. In these examples the icon is 56x56px.
Don't change brand icons' colors
Don’t stretch icons
Don’t use Brand Icons instead of interface icons
Don’t scale Brand or Private Icons below their minimum size of 40px

Illustrations #

A fully flexible illustrative style has been developed for Spuerkeess. Illustrations use a mix of human characters and objects to create contextual situations that users can easily relate to. The purpose of these illustrations is to make website pages more attractive and give more depth to the content for the user. The goal is to trigger an emotional connection with the brand.

See all illustrations

Principles #

The main goal of illustrations is to tell a story. In order to so, combine the following principles:

Set the scene
Use products and/or objects to set the scene. A scene that will help users identify to a situation
Set alive
Highlight relationships between characters through the use of one key interaction and distinct clothing looks
Close depth
Make the scene look real. Create depth by using one of the background shapes and adding shades to some key elements

Types #

Spuerkeess illustrations can be broken down into several sub-categories.


Hero illustrations are the most detailed compositions. They are used to tell a story and illustrate a situation. A Hero illustration is often associated with a key message and must be meaningful. In terms of proportion, hero illustrations should take the room of at least 40% of the section associated with it. Hero illustrations should always include a background shape, a minimum of one character or a bank product in focus combined with any objects you need to set the scene.

A character with a set of objects.
A bank product with a set of objects.

Spot illustrations are the simplest illustrations and focus on single objects. They can be used in content lists, adapted for hero illustrations or combined with other spot illustrations. Spot illustrations never include any character but occasionally include a background shape.

A credit card
A car
A watch

Applications #

Find below examples of how and where to use illustrations on the web as well as in the mobile app.

Thumbnail images in S-Net News Center
Feature of the onboarding experience in S-Net mobile
Presentation images in the App Store
List of Products on the marketing website

Do's and Dont's #

Do use colors from the Spuerkeess palette
Do use fake 3D and flat shades to create depth
Do make sure there is sufficient contrast
Don’t use colors other than blue for clothes and backgrounds
Outline style is only allowed for Spuerkeess Icons

Layout #

Spuerkeess’ Layout system is all about making a good-looking experience easy to grasp. The aim is to deliver simple messages through a distinctive visual signature.

Composition #


URL & Slogan #

Font sizes & weights

When it comes to sizes there are different rules for print and digital.


The first part of the URL, slash excluded, as well as the slogan have the same size as the tagline.


The URL size depends on the document size.

For formats ≥ A5

1,5 columns for portraits and 1,5 rows for landscape

Example of size in A5 Formats
For formats = A6

2 columns for portraits and 2 rows for landscape

Example of size in A6 Formats
For formats = A7

2,5 columns for portraits and 2,5 rows for landscape

Example of size in A6 Formats

The starting point for defining the full size of the URL is always the first part. The extension of the URL is then added to it.

Positioning & Alignment

The block of element can be positioned and aligned either :

Next to the logo, vertically aligned
Next to the logo, centrally aligned
On the bottom left or bottom right part of the canvas
URL on bottom left of the canvas
URL on bottom right of the canvas

Creative area #

The creative area is the space of the whole canvas. It includes the following elements:


The creative area can either use the full size of the canvas or have margins that are the size of 1 column if portrait or 1 row if landscape.

Contrast & visibility

It is important that every element added in the canvas is visible. If an image is used as a background for the whole canvas it is important that there is enough contrast between the other elements and the image. The elements of the logo, the URL or slogan and the text area should be easily readable & recognisable in any circumstances. A gradient can be used as a background in order to increase readability.

The image

An image can either be used as a background without margins or as a regular element respecting the margins of the canvas. Hereunder the possible combinations.


Another component available in the creative area is the "background shape", which can be used on its own or combined with other elements. The background shape component is a zoomed frame of the logo of the bridge, not a section of the shape. Hence it is important to not detach pieces of the bridge logo from the whole logo.

The component can be used in the creative area to add depth. There are no specific rules as to when it should be used. It is at the discretion of the designer.

The background shape should either be a mask of an image or exclude a zone of an image.

The minimum size of the shape should be of 2 columns (portrait) or 2 rows (landscape).

Text area #

The text area is composed of two sub blocks, the Heading and the Tagline. Hereunder the set of rules of the text area:

  • The Tagline can be used optionally, usually to complete information
  • In order to maintain a scalable system the size of the text should be proportional to the layout
  • The text area as well as its sub blocks should always be aligned to the left
  • The text area can be positioned at any height in the creative area, either top or bottom
  • The spacing between the Headline and the Tagline should be 18% of the width of the column in portrait or the height of the row in landscape formats.



The font of the Headline is Futura PT, its weight is bold.


For optimal readibility the size of the Tagline should be minimum the size of 44% of the width of a column in portrait and the height of a row in landscape. As an example, for a portrait layout that has a column of 90px the size of the Tagline will be 44% of 90px which makes it a Tagline of approx. 40px.

Line height

The line height of the Headline will always be 1.2 times the size of the Headline, so for instance if we take the example aforementioned, the line height of the Headline will be 1.2 times 72px, which makes it a line height of 86.4 px.



The font of the Headline is Futura PT, its weight is bold.


For optimal readibility the size of the Tagline should be minimum the size of 44% of the width of a column in portrait and the height of a row in landscape. As an example, for a portrait layout that has a column of 90px the size of the Tagline will be 44% of 90px which makes it a Tagline of approx. 40px.

Line height

The line height of the Headline will always be 1.2 times the size of the Headline, so for instance if we take the example aforementioned, the line height of the Headline will be 1.2 times 72px, which makes it a line height of 86.4 px.